PT (Prothrombin Time) Test

The prothrombin time test is an investigation to measure blood clotting. The prothrombin time test is vital. The prothrombin time helps to know how long it may take for your blood to clot. It may be known as PT or pro time test. Prothrombin is a protein synthesised by your liver. Prothrombin is one of the clotting factors. It is also known as clotting factor 2. It may be one of the factors in your blood that helps blood clot or coagulate.

The prothrombin time test may also be performed to diagnose liver disease. It may be a prime test for liver transplant patients. The prothrombin time is denoted as the international normalised ratio (INR). An abnormal prothrombin time may be due to liver disorders or anticoagulant or blood thinner medication.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Prothrombin time (PT) is a blood investigation or test. It may help to assess the time for blood to coagulate or clot. The test may be used to diagnose or rule out bleeding disorders. It may also be used to check the effectiveness of drugs that prevent blood clots.

    A PT (prothrombin time) test measures the time taken for your blood to clot. The average time taken for your blood to clot is maybe around 10 to 13 seconds. Time beyond this range may indicate that your blood takes longer to clot. A lower time indicates that blood clots faster and quickly.

    PT Prothrombin Time Test measures the time required for your blood to clot. It may be primarily required to assess your blood clot levels if you are on any blood-thinning or anticoagulant medication. It may be warfarin, heparin etc.

    A health care provider takes a blood sample from your fingertip. It may be through a finger prick. It hardly takes a few minutes. You may also get the test results in a few minutes. There are no side effects for the prothrombin test.

    A higher PT INR may indicate that your blood clots slowly than the expected time. This high level may increase your risk for profuse bleeding. It may be life-threatening and proves fatal, especially for patients with bleeding disorders.

    PT or Prothrombin Tests may be done to examine or rule out any bleeding problems. You may be advised to take the test if you experience prolonged bleeding or bruising. It may also be recommended before you undergo surgery or a procedure that might cause bleeding. It may also be done if you have any bleeding disorders.

    A high PT level indicates that your blood may take longer than usual to clot. It occurs when your liver fails to synthesise the optimum level of blood clotting proteins. A high Prothrombin time or PT indicates severe liver disease. It may include cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver etc.

    It may be obtained as a ratio of your PT (Prothrombin time) to a control PT. Prothrombin time may be a standardised unit developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It may be for the potency of the thromboplastin reagent.

     It may be derived using the formula: INR (international normalised ratio) = Patient’s Prothrombin Time divided by Control Prothrombin Time.

    The normal range for PT (Prothrombin Time ) test for clotting may be within 11 to 13.5 seconds. A higher value may indicate a delay in clotting and prolonged bleeding. A lower value may indicate faster clotting of blood.

    No, they are different. A PT (Prothrombin time) test assesses the duration your blood may take to clot for your blood sample. An INR or international normalised ratio may be the value or calculation based on Prothrombin Time test results.


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