Norethisterone - Uses - Dosages - Side Effects - Precautions

Norethisterone: Frequently Asked Questions Answered

What is Norethisterone?

Norethisterone is a hormonal drug. It was first discovered in Mexico in 1951 and was initially used as a remedy for endometriosis and irregular menstruation. It was not marketed as an oral contraceptive until 1962. Norethisterone is one of a group of medicines called ‘Progestogens’. Progestogens are synthetically similar to the natural female hormone progesterone. Norethisterone tablets contain the active ingredient progestogen called Norethisterone. This drug is used across various countries by women to treat menstrual problems.

What are the uses of Norethisterone?

Norethisterone has features of mimicking the effects of the natural female hormone progesterone. Progesterone is a female hormone in the ovaries responsible for the menstrual cycles and maintaining the pregnancy in a woman. Abnormal progesterone levels can ruin the menstrual cycle. Hence Norethisterone can help in treating the following:

  • Heavy periods 
  • Painful periods 
  • Premenstrual tension (PMT) 
  • Irregular periods 
  • Endometriosis (where uterus tissue lining grows outside the uterus) 
  • Breast cancer
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What are the side effects of Norethisterone?

Norethisterone may have side effects, some of which can be 

  • Heavy and irregular menstrual bleeding.
  • Spotting between menstrual cycles.
  • Tender or swollen breasts.
  • Headache & dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions like itchy skin.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Swollen lips/tongue/eyes/face.
  • Swelling of the hands/feet.

If you see any above signs, you should consult your doctor immediately.

Some severe rare side effects can be seen after taking Norethisterone tablets, such as:

  • Blood clot in lungs (coughing up blood, sharp pain in the chest, heart beating rapidly).
  • Blood clot in brains (unusual severe headaches, difficulty speaking, faint feeling, severe eyesight issues).

What is Norethisterone

Uses of Norethisterone

Side effects of Norethisterone


Frequently Asked Questions about Norethisterone

1. Can Norethisterone 5 mg cause miscarriage?

Norethisterone can cause congenital disabilities in the child if taken during pregnancy. However, the drug cannot cause miscarriages. It's not safe to take Norethisterone during pregnancy. Your medical expert can advise you the best about its use during pregnancy as this hormonal drug can cause fatal effects on the child during the first 4-weeks of pregnancy.

2. Can Norethisterone 5mg prevent pregnancy?

Norethisterone is not a contraceptive, and it cannot prevent pregnancy 100%. Some forms of other contraceptives like condoms are suggested while taking Norethisterone tablets. Norethisterone is not emergency contraception and cannot prevent pregnancy if taken after having sex. It's a hormonal drug and can prevent pregnancy if taken properly under medical supervision.

3. Can you drink on Norethisterone?

Norethisterone is taken to balance the progesterone level in females, and it has nothing to do with alcohol. Alcohol consumption after taking this drug will not harm the body. However, this advantage should not be taken for granted, and alcohol consumption should not be in excess. Consult our medical experts at Yashoda Hospitals to maintain a dosage that is safe and harmless.

4. Is Norethisterone a birth control pill?

Norethisterone can be used as a pill to prevent pregnancy. Norethisterone contains norethindrone (a hormone) that makes the vaginal fluid thicker, making it difficult for sperm to swim towards the egg and preventing pregnancy. It also stops the release of an egg between the menstrual cycles. For most effective results, Norethisterone should be taken as prescribed by experts.

5. Can I take Norethisterone if my period has started?

It is necessary to take Norethisterone under expert medical supervision. It can interfere with your internal system causing severe problems. Norethisterone is taken to treat period problems and is advised to be taken before or after a period. However, it depends on your cycle, and the difficulty faced, so our experts would be the best to advise you on this.

6. Can I take Norethisterone and desogestrel together?

Desogestrel is a progestogen-only pill that prevents pregnancy by thickening the mucus in the cervix to stop sperm from reaching an egg. Desogestrel also stops ovulation and is widely used as a contraceptive. Both, Norethisterone and desogestrel can be a heavy dose of hormones to the body and should not be taken without medical expert advice.

7. Can I take Norethisterone while breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor before taking Norethisterone. This medicine hasn't shown any effects on the milk supply to the infant or the composition of milk in breastfeeding women. However, the dosage and quantities of Norethisterone should be accurate and be taken under expert advice by lactating women.

8. Does Norethisterone make you lose weight?

Norethisterone does not aid weight loss as it is a hormonal drug. It relieves menstrual problems. In some cases, this drug can cause an increase in weight. It can also cause problems if the woman taking the pill is already overweight. This medicine should be taken under medical supervision, and if you face any such side effects, you should immediately report to the doctor.

9. Is it safe to take Norethisterone?

Norethisterone is safe for most women to use occasionally, but regular use for long durations to delay periods is not advised. It may cause side effects if taken on a long-term basis. The usual dosage of Norethisterone varies from 3- 20 days, and your periods should occur after 2-3 days once you stop taking the pill.

10. Can Norethisterone cause infertility?

No evidence shows Norethisterone can make you infertile. Factually, even after taking Norethisterone and having unprotected sex, one can get pregnant. As a hormonal drug, Norethisterone enhances ovulation period cycles and is accepted by many women worldwide to fix menstrual problems or delay periods.

Call Yashoda Hospitals to consult our expert medical advisors on the precautions, uses, dosages and side effects of Norethisterone.



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      Disclaimer: The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.