

Negative Effects of Over Eating

It is hard to imagine a life without food. However, a right quantity and balanced nutrition is what makes us healthy. Overeating can affect us due to mood changes, concerns about appearance, weight concerns or irregular eating habits. Here, we discuss different fall-outs and symptoms of over eating.

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Body’s Clock & Your Health

The profound way to stay healthy is by living in harmony with the body’s clock. Your body’s clock not only promotes growth and development of different organs and tissues, but also forewarns you of the health issues and conditions you may confront on neglecting your health. For setting your body’s clock right, you should start listening to your body’s voices and act accordingly.

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National Nutrition Week – Eat Right, Feel Bright!

The National Nutrition Week is celebrated annually to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices and eat right. National Nutrition Week is celebrated every year in the first week of September, with the objective of creating awareness on the importance of...

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