
Obesity (Bariatric) Surgery or Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss surgery

Weight Loss Treatment In Hyderabad

The Center for Gastroenterology at Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad offers reliable and high-quality bariatric procedures, performed laparoscopically, resulting in minimal skin scars. These procedures integrate safety and efficacy, promoting sustainable weight reduction and ensuring minimal scars on the skin.

Bariatrics is all about the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Bariatric surgery calls for the support of experienced bariatric and plastic surgeons.This is the best answer for “how to lose weight fast?”

Weight loss can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle with enough scope for exercise and a balanced diet. However, bariatric surgery is considered very effective for achieving successful long-term weight loss.

If a person has a BMI (body mass index) of 37.5 kg/m2 or more or suffers from an illness related to excess weight and cannot sustain weight loss through diet and exercise, he or she should go for immediate weight-loss surgery.

Is Weight-Loss Surgery Right For You? Schedule Your Appointment With Our Bariatric Surgeon.

The bariatric procedure includes making 5 to 6 small skin incisions of 5 mm to 12 mm under general anesthesia. This procedure is completed within 3–5 hours, following which the patient is hospitalized for 3–4 days.

Importantly, the patient needs to be prepared physically and psychologically for the bariatric procedure. Proper lifestyle changes by the patient will help in early recovery and optimal success.

The Center for Gastroenterology at Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad provides different types of bariatric procedures, such as:

  • Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB): This is basically a weight-loss surgery. Here, weight loss is promoted by reducing the intake of food and promoting satiety (fullness) after meals. This is a keyhole laparoscopic surgery where a silicone (gastric) band is placed around the upper stomach.

A laparoscopic gastric banding operation involves wrapping an inflatable band around the stomach, creating a small pouch for digested food. The stomach has two parts with baffles controlled by the band. The band shrinks, limiting food consumption and promoting weight loss. The upper side has a pouch and the remaining section has baffles. The band connects to a port beneath the patient’s abdominal wall.

The thickness of the band is altered after an operation to effectively block food flow and postpone the emptying of one’s stomach. Adjustment of the band’s thickness is done through injection or removal of liquid via port, hence properly constricting or extending the opening. Gastric banding is therefore considered a type of bariatric surgery characterized by restrictions for losing weight based on increased satiety as well as a decrease in mass. Nevertheless, it does not alter how much calories or essential nutrients an individual can take in.

  • Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Resection (LGSR): This surgery helps to reduce the stomach by 20–30% of its original size. It is done along the major curve of the stomach.

Laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection refers to a surgical procedure in which part of the stomach is removed alongside the major curvature of the stomach, with the rest fashioned into a tube-like structure. This leads to a permanent reduction in the size of the stomach. It works by restricting the amount of food that can be consumed at one time so as to create a feeling of fullness sooner after eating less food than before. Consequently, its restrictive nature will result in reduced food intake due to a decrease in the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, just like with laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery.

  • Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass (RYGB): To reduce the amount of food taken and the calories consumed, the stomach’s structure is changed. 

During Roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is separated into two parts: a small upper pouch and a larger lower pouch. The small upper pouch now leads to the small intestine, so all food eaten passes through there without passing through any part of the stomach other than this one small part at the top. The lower pouch is left connected to the small intestine through the duodenum, whereas the lower pouch and duodenum are still linked, thereby ensuring the continued flow of digestive juices into the small intestine to assist in digestion.

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