Yashoda Hospitals Launches awareness program on ‘Brain Stroke’

On the occasion of World Stroke Day on Thursday 29th October 2020, Yashoda Hospitals Group launched an awareness program ‘Join the Fight against Stroke’, which aimed at spreading awareness on Brain Strokes.
The Hyderabad Police Commissioner, Anjani Kumar inaugurated the campaign at Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad and urged people over 50 years to have regular medical checks since this group tends to suffer strokes more than any other age demographic.
Yashoda Hospitals has a dedicated team of experienced neurologists to handle all stroke emergencies. The Hospital Group had initiated the ‘Stroke Care on Wheels’ in 2019, which was aimed at providing specialized, brain saving care to stroke victims before reaching the Hospital. The ‘Stroke Care on Wheels’ initiative is aimed at saving the lives of Stroke victims by extending emergency medical services at the earliest. It would reduce the time taken to deliver care, a crucial factor to save lives. “As a Center of Excellence for Neuro Care, we are committed to provide state-of-the-art Stroke care across the region for years,” said Dr. G. S. Rao, Managing Director, Yashoda Group of Hospitals.
Dr. R. N. Komal Kumar, Senior Neurologist and Stroke Specialist, Yashoda Hospitals said that when there is a stroke, family members should immediately call the hospital’s stroke ambulance number (105910).
“Thrombolysis and pre-hospital care will be delivered in the ambulance and the patient will be monitored by a trained doctor, EMT in the ambulance. This way, stroke victims will receive treatment within the golden hour, thus reducing damage to brain cells,” Dr. Kumar said.
Dr. Suresh Giragani, Thrombolysis, Neuro-interventional radiologist at Yashoda Hospital, said that clot dissolving drugs can help open the blockage of the affected artery if used within three to four-and-half hours after the onset of the stroke – the ‘Golden Period’ preventing the damage to brain cells and aid in recovery.
Newspaper Credit: Telangana Today
News Coverage:
1. Andhra Jyothi: https://www.andhrajyothy.com/telugunews/anjani-kumar-2020103004035472
2. Telangana Today: https://telanganatoday.com/yashoda-hospitals-launches-awareness-programme-on-world-stroke-day
3. Deccan News: https://deccan.news/yashoda-hospitals-launches-world-stroke-awareness-day/
4. Telugu Mirchi: http://www.telugumirchi.com/en/life-style/yashoda-hospitals-launches-awareness-program-on-brain-stroke.html
5. V6 Velugu: https://epaper.v6velugu.com/2873324/V6-Prabhatha-Velugu-Telugu-Daily-Newspaper/30-10-2020#clip/56005082/b29073eb-5420-4a56-bbf8-97d300ad0940/524.4444444444445:595.5585711030658
6. The Hindu: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/call-to-increase-awareness-on-stroke-its-effects/article32975000.ece
7. Mana Telangana: https://epaper.manatelangana.news/2872962/Mana-Telangana-City-Main/30-10-2020#clip/56005169/7a16ba10-bfb7-4717-a2b6-02264b1c7495/1168.888888888889:462.2234408573803
8. Andhra Prabha: https://epaper.prabhanews.com/2873416/Hyderabad/30-10-2020-hyderabad#clip/56005462/d4b4bec5-081e-4e74-a00f-39d8d4983606/1048.888888888889:977.790767186981
9. The Hindu: https://epaper.thehindu.com/Home/MShareArticle?OrgId=G8D7TKH3A.1
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