

What is gout or inflammatory arthritis?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a metabolic disturbance in the level of uric acid in the body. Accumulation of uric acid crystals causes inflammation of the joints. Most commonly the big joint of the great toe is affected

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Rheumatoid Arthritis-Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

8 Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own body tissue, the joint linings causing a painful swelling. While in most...

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What is Cushing’s Disease?

Cushing's Disease is when there is an excess of cortisol in the blood stream due to a pituaitary tumour Cushing’s Disease is a condition which causes the pituitary gland (that belongs in the endocrine system) releases too much of ACTH. Cushing’s Disease is not the...

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