
Patient Testimonial for Spine Surgery

Testimonial by Mr. Mohamed Moriba

Treatment for: PIVD (Slipped Disc)
Treated by: Dr. Ravi Suman Reddy
Patient location: Sierra Leone

PIVD, or Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc, commonly known as a slipped disc, occurs when the soft inner core of the disc bulges out through a tear in the outer layer, putting pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord. This condition can be caused by aging, wear and tear, or sudden injury and often presents with symptoms such as back pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans, and sometimes nerve conduction studies to assess nerve function. Treatment options range from conservative measures like rest, physical therapy, and pain management to more invasive interventions like spine surgery, depending on the severity of symptoms and response to initial therapy.

Spine surgery for PIVD, or slipped disc, may be recommended when conservative treatments fail to provide relief or in cases of severe or progressive neurological deficits. The procedure involves accessing the affected area of the spine through a small incision and removing the portion of the disc that is pressing on the nerves or spinal cord. This can be done using various techniques, including microdiscectomy or minimally invasive spine surgery, which aim to minimize tissue damage and speed up recovery. The goal of surgery is to alleviate pressure on the nerves, relieve symptoms, and restore normal function.

Mr. Mohamed Moriba from Sierra Leone successfully underwent Spine Surgery for PIVD (Slipped Disc) at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. Ravi Suman Reddy, Consultant Neuro & Spine Surgeon.


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