Patellofemoral Arthritis

Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Preventions and Treatment

How is Patellofemoral Arthritis Diagnosed?

Most commonly used diagnostic measures for patellofemoral arthritis are:

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • MRI

Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad is equipped with one of the best facilities and modern technologies which helps us detect and cure the problem easily and efficiently making it one of the top centers in Hyderabad.
Patellofemoral Arthritis Diagnosed

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    What is the treatment for Patellofemoral Arthritis?

    Most common forms of treatments in treating patellofemoral arthritis are as follows:

    • Rehabilitation exercises: Selective forms of exercises can strengthen the muscles that provide support to your knees.
    • Supportive braces: Knee braces or arches provide support and may help deal with the pain.
    • Taping: Taping is the process of taping knees to reduce pain and increase mobility. It is a highly technical process and your therapist will show you how to do it.
    • Medications: Pain relievers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, etc can help deal with the pain.
    • Realignment: Severe cases of patellofemoral may require surgery. Realignment is a surgical procedure to realign the angle of the kneecap and relieve the pressure on the cartilage.
    • Arthroscopy: This is another surgical procedure that involves the insertion of a thin device equipped with a camera lens into the knee through a tiny incision, and the fragments of the damaged cartilage are removed.

    Our team consists of top orthopedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, physical medicine experts, physiotherapists, consultants, dietitians, nurses, and a bone specialist doctor. With their dedicated care and support, we have become one of the top hospitals near you for arthritis treatment.


    Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content provider who is clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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