
My Experience at Young Doctors camp, Yashoda Hospitals

Sree Shashak experience at the young doctors camp 2019G V S V Sree Shashank
Delhi public school, khajaguda,Hyderabad

The young Doctors camp is an excellent initiative provided by Yashoda Hospitals for nurturing the passion of becoming a doctor in the present youth. The three days which I spent being part of this camp are very much admirable and memorable. I learnt a lot of things at this camp regarding the noble profession of a doctor.”SARVEJANA SUKUNOBHAVANTU”  is an ancient saying which means the world as a whole should live in happiness, without any biological or socio-economic problems. The only person who wishes for the betterment and welfare of the society is the doctor who spreads the above message by treating his patients and giving them a happy life. I truly appreciate yashoda hospitals for giving me and rest other fellow participants of this camp a wonderful opportunity of understanding a doctor’s work.

During the course of the camp, various topics like CPR, essential vitals, organ transplantation, dietetics and angioplasty were discussed in which  I got deeply interested in. We were taught how to perform CPR when a person collapses , how to uses  different medical apparatus like stethoscope, thermometers etc and also about types of transplantations. All this information will come in handy in real life situations. Also we visited the house keeping department and engineering department without whose support hospital could not function properly. I was extremely interested in the clinical laboratory where the testing of samples were conducted. We were shown many machines which are required for separation of samples, biopsy lab and microbiology lab were intriguing. My most favourite departments were the CATH labs and Radiology which were for heart and cancer patients respectively. Also, we met with various consultants and surgeons who guided us with their enlightening advice.

At the beginning , I saw this camp only as an career guidance. The three days have influenced me in a remarkable manner. I met with various doctors , nursing educators and made new friends. I was given a clear description regarding the field of medicine. I have understood how a hospital works and what all are its requirements. I have learnt about the hardships I will have too overcome to become a doctor. The precious advice from prominent personalities in the hospitals will help me take the right decision while shaping my career. I thank Yashoda Hospitals and respective dignitaries for allowing me to be part of this prestigious camp which I highly enjoyed.

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