
Patient Testimonial for POEM Procedure for Achalasia

Testimonial by Ms. Nagula Jayanthi

Treatment for: POEM Procedure for Achalasia
Treated by: Dr. A. Bharat Kumar
Patient location: Warangal

Achalasia is an uncommon esophageal condition that makes it challenging to swallow food and liquids. It happens when esophageal nerves are injured. As a result, the oesophagus progressively dilates and paralyses, losing its ability to force food into the stomach.

The procedure involves administering the patient with general anaesthesia. Then an endoscope, or a thin tube with a camera and surgical instruments, is inserted into the mouth. The endoscope is carefully moved into the lower oesophagus where the surgeon makes small incisions in the esophageal muscles and the upper stomach. This helps in relaxing and allows the food to reach the stomach. The surgery takes around 90 minutes to complete.

After the procedure, the patient will recover from the anaesthesia in the endoscopy unit. Based on the patient’s condition after the procedure, the doctor will advise them to stay in the hospital for a night or two for observation and testing.

Ms. Nagula Jayanthi from Warangal underwent a POEM Procedure for Achalasia, under the supervision of Dr. A. Bharat Kumar,Consultant Interventional Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad.

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