
Patient Testimonial for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Testimonial by Mr. Abdirashid Ali Abdi

Treatment for: Gallstones
Treated by: Dr. G. R. Mallikarjuna
Patient location: Kenya

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove the gallbladder, a small organ located beneath the liver. It is typically done to treat gallbladder diseases such as gallstones, gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), or gallbladder polyps that cause symptoms. During the procedure, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera and light, to visualize the gallbladder and surrounding structures. Special surgical instruments are then used to carefully remove the gallbladder from its attachment to the liver and bile ducts. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia and may take one to two hours to complete.

This procedure offers several advantages compared to traditional open surgery. It is minimally invasive, meaning it requires smaller incisions and results in less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times. Additionally, laparoscopic cholecystectomy typically leads to fewer complications, is considered a safe and effective treatment option for gallbladder diseases, and provides patients with a quicker and less invasive approach to gallbladder removal.

Mr. Abdirashid Ali Abdi from Kenya successfully underwent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. G. R. Mallikarjuna, Senior Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist & Robotic Surgeon, Advanced Laparoscopic & Metabolic Surgeon, HPB & Colorectal Surgeon.


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