
Piles Surgery Cost in Hyderabad

We have one of the best team of general surgery specialists team of doctors in Hyderabad, who are highly specialized in treating all types of piles diseases.

    Painless Surgery for Piles

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      Painless Surgery for Piles

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      All You Need To Know About Piles Surgery

      Piles Surgery Cost in India | Piles Surgery Cost in Hyderabad

      Piles surgery is also known as hemorrhoid surgery. Hemorrhoids are the swollen vessels inside or around the anus and rectum and this surgery is aimed at removing these swollen blood vessels that cause severe bleeding, or pain. However, it is important to understand that surgery is recommended only when other changes such as a change in diet, etc. are ineffective or to remove multiple hemorrhoids. 

      Piles can be of two types depending on their location:

      • External: They form under the skin of the anus. Symptoms of this condition are itching, pain around the anus, or formation of tender lumps. 
      • Internal: They form within the lining of the anus and lower rectum. Symptoms of this condition include bleeding during bowel movements, or hemorrhoid falling out of the anus. 
      How much does a Piles Surgery cost in India?

      The average cost of piles surgery in India is usually between Rs.7,800 to Rs.1,40,000. However, the prices may vary depending upon the hospitals in different cities. 

      • Lowest cost in India begins from Rs.7,800
      • Average cost in India can be approximately Rs.66,096
      • Maximum cost in India is up to Rs.1,40,000
      What is the average cost of Piles Surgery in Hyderabad?

      The cost of piles surgery in Hyderabad depends upon multiple factors and is approximately Rs. 70,000.

      The aim of piles surgery is to make the hemorrhoid shrink or completely disappear. This is done by either removing the hemorrhoid or reducing its blood supply. 

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      Types Of Piles Surgery

      • Hemorrhoidectomy: In this process, the anus is gently opened to cut out the hemorrhoids completely.
      • Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation (THD): Also known as Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HALO). In this procedure, a Doppler Ultrasound probe is attached to the anus, and produces ultrasound waves to help detect the blood vessels that supply blood to the hemorrhoids. These blood vessels are then stitched to cut further blood flow.
      • Stapling: This surgery helps to treat internal hemorrhoids only. In this procedure, the end section of the large intestine is stapled to restrict the hemorrhoids from prolapsing and to reduce blood supply to them. Over time, these hemorrhoids reduce in size considerably.
      Piles Surgery Cost in India | Piles Surgery Cost in Hyderabad
      • Rubber band ligation: It is used to treat bleeding or prolapsing internal hemorrhoids. In this procedure, a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to restrict its blood supply. This will eventually lead to falling off of the hemorrhoid.
      • Sclerotherapy: In this procedure, the doctor injects a chemical solution into an internal hemorrhoid to relieve pain by making nerve endings numb around the area.

      Post-surgery patients are recommended to follow certain steps to help in recovery:

      • Eating a fiber-rich diet
      • Avoid sitting for long periods
      • Drinking plenty of water
      • Avoid straining during a bowel movement
      • Avoid regular, heavy lifting

      The type of surgical procedure used is dependent on various factors such as hemorrhoid size, severity, and location and directly affects piles operation cost.

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      What is Piles Surgery cost at Yashoda Hospitals?

      We believe in providing the best surgical facilities such as hemorrhoidectomy, stapling, etc. to our patients, under the guidance of the finest general surgeon. We even have gastroenterologists and proctologists on board that help guide you in case of complications or other related issues. We aim to ease the pain and discomfort of the patient using the finest laser-enabled surgery tools for them. We are one of the best Piles Surgery hospital in Hyderabad. To know more about the cost of Piles Surgery. Click on enquire now.

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