Dr. Pradeep Kumar Karumanchi is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist at Yashoda Hospitals, Somajiguda, with over 12 years of experience. He treats all types of cancer and specialises in radiotherapy for head and neck cancers, brain tumours, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, gastrointestinal, and gynaecological cancers. He received his training at prestigious institutions in India and abroad.
He has been trained in High Precision Radiotherapy Techniques like Cyberknife, Tomotherapy, SRS, SBRT, VMAT, IGRT, IMRT, TBI, and HDR Brachytherapy. He also received speciality training in urologic oncology and gastrointestinal oncology from the world-renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC) in the United States. He received his training in thoracic oncology at the University of Michigan in the United States; precision oncology at the University of Geneva in Switzerland; and specialised training in Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery from Accuray, USA.
He is actively involved in clinical research and has numerous scientific publications in prestigious international journals. He is particularly interested in Radiomics and Radio-genomics, as well as Active Precision Oncology Research in the imaging space and the application of Artificial Intelligence in prognosticating and predicting cancer outcomes and side effects.
Educational Qualifications
Cyberknife CNS & Physician Training-Accuray, USA
Precision Oncology-Université de Genève, Switzerland
Thoracic Oncology-University of Michigan, USA
DNB (Radiation Oncology), Healthcare Global Cancer Hospital (HCG)
MBBS, Osmania Medical College
Received Specialty Training in Urologic Oncology, Robotic Surgery & Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Oncology from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, USA
Consultant Radiation Oncology, HCG Cancer Centre, Gulbarga
Consultant Radiation Oncology, Bangalore
DNB Resident, Radiation Oncology, Healthcare Global (HCG) Cancer Center, Bangalore
Consultant General Physician, Apollo Homecare, Hyderabad
Defence Medical Officer, ECHS Polyclinic (Ministry of Defence, Government of India), Bowenpally, Hyderabad
Clinical & Research Associate, New York Presbyterian Queens (NYPQ)-Cornell University, NY, USA
Family Medicine Clinical Externship, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, NY, USA
Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinical Externship in Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Teaching Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University & North Shore-LIJ Health System, NY, USA
Gastrointestinal Oncology Clinical Externship, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), NY, USA
Urologic Oncology Clinical Externship, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), NY, USA
Clinical Internship, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
Services offered
Advanced Radiation Techniques for Cancer:
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)
Total Body Irradiation (TBI)
Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)
Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT)
RapidArc (VMAT)
Accelerated Partial Breast Radiotherapy (APBI)
3D Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT)
Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation Therapy):
IntraCavitary Brachytherapy (ICBT)
Interstitial Brachytherapy (ISBT)
Intraluminal Brachytherapy (ILBT)
Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer, Gynecological Cancers, Head and Neck Cancers, Sarcomas, Brain Tumors, Pediatric Cancers, Liver and Lung Cancers
Cancer Screening
Palliative Care for Cancer Patients
2nd Opinion on Cancer Treatment
Special Interest and Expertise
Expert in Treating All Types of Cancers
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery
Adaptive Radiotherapy for Head & Neck Cancers
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Brain Tumors
Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
RapidArc Based Radiation Therapy (VMAT)
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
Total Body Irradiation (TBI), Tomotherapy
Brachytherapy-ICBT, ISBT & ILBT for Gynecological and Esophageal Cancers
Head & Neck, Brain, Lung, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Gynecological Malignancies
Radiomics & Artificial Intelligence in Oncology, Precision Oncology
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Tue 11 Mar
Oral Presentation, ASTRO-2020: Oral Scientific Session: Intrastromal Therapy In-sync with Featured Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)-Fixing the Defiant Tumor Microenvironment-A Proof of Concept Study. G. Lohith, P. Karumanchi, K. Kallur, K. Sekar, V. Kumar, S. Swamy, R. Naik, and B. Ajai Kumar
Poster Presentation: Apollo Cancer Conclave-2020, Dosimetric evaluation of adaptive radiotherapy in patients with head and neck carcinoma treated using helical tomotherapy. Pradeep Kumar Karumanchi, Somorat Bhattacharjee, M S Belliappa, Lohith G
Poster Presentation: AROICON 2018-Reirradiation in head & neck cancers using SBRT-A retrospective study
Best Paper Presentation: Oral-51st National Conference of IPHA-A study of adherence to therapy among Diabetes mellitus patients attending different hospitals of Hyderabad, India
Best Paper Presentation-52nd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Dec 2004-A comparative study of fetal and adult circulation
Best Oral Presentation at International Medical Students Seminar, Nepal, 2005-South Asian Conflicts-Strategies to Solve
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Executive Committee Member, International Association of Oncology (IAO)
Organizing Committee Member, Asia Pacific Cancer Congress (APCC)
Bangalore Oncology Group (BOG)
Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
Member, International Core Group, Student Movement-International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) [Recipient-Nobel Peace Prize, 1985]
Editor-In-Chief: I-NEXUS, Medical Students National E-Magazine for IDPD, India
Founder & Executive Editor, World of Surgery & Surgery Tube, Informative Web Portals
Central Council Member, Indian Doctors for Peace & Development (IDPD)
Medical Student Representative for South India, IPPNW & IDPD
State Medical Student Representative, IDPD
Member, Indian Public Health Association
Student Reviewer-Student BMJ
Editorial Intern-Journal of Scientific Medicine
Medical Council of India
National Publications
Dosimetric evaluation of adaptive radiotherapy in patients with head and neck carcinoma treated using helical tomotherapy. Pradeep Kumar Karumanchi, Somorat Bhattacharjee, M S Belliappa, Lohith G- Apollo Cancer Conclave-Feb 2020.
Metastatic Malignant Chondroid Syringoma: A Rare Case Scenario. Mahalaxmi Aal, Vijay Bhaskar Lakshman, Pradeep Kumar Karumanchi, Gopinath Kodaganur Srinivas, Amarendra Shankarappa, Bindiya Vijayan-Journal of Case Reports-2020; 18-20.
Reirradiation in head & neck cancers using SBRT-A retrospective study, Poster Presentation-AROICON 2018.
A study of adherence to therapy among Diabetes mellitus patients attending different hospitals of Hyderabad, India Oral Presentation at 51st National Conference of IPHA
A comparative study of fetal and adult circulation-Poster Presentation-52nd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Dec 2004.
South Asian Conflicts-Strategies to Solve-Oral Presentation at International Medical Students Seminar, held in Nepal in December 2005
Research Experience
Role of stereotactic body radiotherapy in metastatic thyroid cancer-HCG Cancer Center, Bangalore. PI: Dr. Sridhar PS
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (Cyberknife) boost post external beam radiotherapy for carcinoma lung- HCG Cancer Center, Bangalore. PI: Dr. Sridhar PS
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (Cyberknife) using X-sight tracking system for carcinoma lung- HCG Cancer Center, Bangalore. PI: Dr. Sridhar PS
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (Cyberknife) in carcinoma lung for treating primary lung lesions with lymph node metastases- HCG Cancer Center, Bangalore. PI: Dr. Sridhar PS
Research Associate in Emergency Medicine, New York Hospital of Queens, NY, USA. Jul 2012-Mar 2013: PI: Dr Michael S. Radeos, Research Director, Emergency Medicine, NYHQ, NY, USA. Participated in the clinical research studies of : a) Hypotension Study b) Chest Pain Study c) IV Contrast Study d) Geriatrics Health Care Study and e) Medical Scribe Study".
Research Associate in Pediatrics, New York Hospital of Queens, NY, USA. Jul 2012-Mar 2013: PI: Dr Pinchi Srinivasan, Director of Neonatology, New York Hospital Queens, NY, USA. a. "Transcutaneous Bilirubin Nomogram Study in healthy neonates of Asian population." b. "Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Co-incidence or an Important Finding!" Case Reports of Two Children with Kwashiorkor and Multiple Food Allergies. Dept of Pediatrics, NYHQ, NY, USA.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA. Apr 2009-Jun 2009, PI:Dr. Paul Russo, Urologist, "Long term surgical outcomes of Cystic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma"
International Indexed Publications
Intrastromal Therapy In-sync with Featured Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)-Fixing the Defiant Tumor Microenvironment-A Proof of Concept Study. G. Lohith, P. Karumanchi, K. Kallur, K. Sekar, V. Kumar, S. Swamy, R. Naik, and B. Ajai Kumar ASTRO-2020: Oral Scientific Session, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP), Volume 108, Issue 3, Supplement, s92-s93, November 01, 2020.
Trigeminal neuralgia secondary to vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia treated with cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery. Lakshman Vijay Bhaskar, Aai Mahalaxmi, Karumanchi Pradeep Kumar, Jaleel Ayesha, Iyer Aarthi Pashupathy. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 2019;14-3:978-980.
Evaluation of interim PET CT scan as predictor for early response to Chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced H&N cancer-Retrospective study. P.S. Sridhar, G.H. Abilash, K. Roopesh, N. Madhusudhan, M. Hamid, S. Kundavai, P. Anuradha, A. Mandava, A. Jerrin, K. Kallur, K. Venkatachala, P. Karumanchi, I. Desai, S. Lakshmi, G.R. Prashanth, S. Revannasiddaiah, A. Ram, G. Kilara, R.S. Bilimagga, B. ajai Kumar; International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP). Volume 102, Issue 3, Supplement, e279-e280, November 01, 2018
PET-CT Scan As Predictor for Response to Chemoradiotherapy in Carcinoma Cervix: A Retrospective Study. P.S. Sridhar, S. Kundavai, K. Roopesh, N. Madhusudhan, G.H. Abilash, A. Mandava, P. Anchineyan, P. Karumanchi, B. Ajaikumar, S. Mahadevappa. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP). Volume 105, Issue 1, Supplement, e325, September 01, 2019
Impact of Intra-Rectal Amifostine in Prostate Cancer Patients treated with SBRT-CK, P.S.Sridhar, K. Roopesh, M. Praveen Kumar, G.H. Abilash, S. Kundavai, A. Mandava, P.Karumanchi, R.S. Bilimagga, M. Hamid, L. James, B. Ajaikumar. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP). Volume 105, Issue 1, Supplement , E309, September 01, 2019.
Role of Local SBRT in Metastatic Carcinoma Prostate Treated with Hormone Therapy, P.S. Sridhar, K. Roopesh, G.H. Abilash, M. Praveen kumar, S. Kundavai, A. Mandava, N. Madhusudhan, P. Karumanchi, M. Hamid, R.S. Bilimagga, B. Ajai Kumar. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP). Volume 105, Issue 1, Supplement , e259-e260, September 01, 2019.
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery for Bilateral Acoustic Schwannomas-HCG experience, S. PapaiahSusheela, M. N R. Krishnappa, A. ghP. Kumar Marimuthu, P. Kumar Karumanchi, A. PM. Gupta, R. Deshpande, S. Gopal, S. Rudrappa, P. GI. Desai, J. AA.K. Bs. Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 127, Supplement 1, s682-s683, April 01, 2018.