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Robotic Thoracic Surgery Hospital in Hyderabad

The Institute of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Thoracic Surgery performs a wide range of thoracic surgical procedures on anatomical structures in the chest like the lungs, trachea, esophagus, ribs, diaphragm, pleura, pericardium, nerves, etc using keyhole surgical techniques.

The center has experience in handling lung cancer, esophageal tumors, nerve tumors, chest wall deformities, infective complications due to tuberculosis, airway tumors,  chest trauma, and end-stage lung disease needing a lung transplant. Their expertise lies in performing all thoracic surgical procedures using keyhole techniques on Video-assisted Thoracoscopic (VATS) and Robotic (RTS)  platforms.

Best Minimal Invasive Surgery Hospital in Hyderabad

As leaders in the surgical treatment of thoracic diseases, our team of expert thoracic surgeons offers innovative specialized thoracic surgical programs for:

  • Management of chest wall deformities: pectus excavatum and carinatum
  • Infections of the chest wall: rib and sternal osteomyelitis
  • Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis: increased sweating of hands
  • Lung cancer detection
  • Multidisciplinary lung cancer management program

The institute offers cutting-edge screening techniques like Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), navigational bronchoscopy, cryobiopsy, and interventional pulmonology. It boasts of the latest in surgical technology in minimally invasive thoracic surgery like Endostaplers, harmonic scalpel, Karl Storz VATS cart, and the Da Vinci Si Robot.

All thoracic surgical patients are managed by a multidisciplinary team of thoracic surgeons,  pulmonologists, cardiologists, thoracic intensivists, respiratory therapists, and thoracic anesthesiologists. Support is provided from ancillary specialties like neurology, nephrology, pediatrics, general medicine, and physical medicine and rehabilitation to ensure the best possible care.  

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) Hospital in Hyderabad

Our center is a national tertiary care referral center for complex lung diseases. The lung cancer center at Yashoda is focussed on early detection of lung cancer and surgical management of early lung cancer with subsequent adjuvant therapies like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy.

We perform more than 300 thoracic operations annually spanning the entire spectrum of thoracic diseases, delivering excellence in patient care.

Health Blogs for Thoracic Surgery

ఆపరేషన్‌ అంటే ఆందోళన వద్దు!
Dec 31, 2019 14:51

ఆపరేషన్‌ అంటే ఆందోళన పడని పేషెంటు ఉండరు. అందుకే సర్జరీ తప్పించుకోవడానికి ప్రత్యామ్నాయ మార్గాలెన్నో వెదుకుతుంటారు. శస్త్రచికిత్స తరువాత అనేక రకాల దుష్పరిణామాలు కలుగుతాయనో, కోలుకోవడానికి ఎక్కువ టైం పట్టడం వల్ల పనిదినాలు నష్టపోతామనో, నొప్పి భరించడం కష్టమనో, సర్జరీ ఫెయిలైతే ఇంతకుముందులాగా నార్మల్‌ కాలేమనో.. ఇలా రకరకాల భయాలుంటాయి.

ఛాతి సమస్యలకు మినిమల్లీ ఇన్వేసివ్ రోబోటిక్స్ సర్జరీస్
Oct 03, 2019 10:17

రోబోటిక్ సర్జరీ అనగానే అది వైద్యులు స్వహస్తాలతో చేసే సర్జరీ కాదనీ, రోబోలు చేసే సర్జరీ కాబట్టి వాటి కదలికలను ఎలా నమ్మగలమనే అపోహలు అంతటా ఉంటున్నాయి. ప్రధానంగా ఇన్వేసివ్ సర్జరీలో రోబోటిక్స్ ఉపయోగం పెరిగింది.

Can Air In Your Lungs Be Bad News?
Aug 21, 2019 18:36

Circulating oxygen to the lungs is good for our body. In fact, it is essential. However, some people may have large air cavities that stop the lungs from working normally. This is very bad news.


Which is the best hospital for thoracic surgery?

The best hospitals for thoracic surgery are the Yashoda hospitals as they provide advanced pulmonology surgeries for lung & oesophageal cancer & other thoracic tumors including complex resections. We also perform video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) or minimally invasive thoracic surgery, and general thoracic surgeries such as surgery for a benign lung disorder, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, pleural diseases and various mediastinal & esophagal pathologies.

Is thoracic surgery dangerous?

Unlike any other surgery that posses at least a minimum amount of risk factors, the thoracic surgery being complex also invites a few risks that include infection, bleeding, abnormal heartbeats, air leakage from the lungs and pain.

How painful is thoracic surgery?

Thoracic surgery can be painful and may originate from a surgical incision, chest tubes, or a poor suture technique with intensity ranging from moderate to severe lasting for several months to a year.

When is thoracic surgery needed?

A thoracic surgery is performed in the chest and upper abdominal region to treat lung cancer and other lung diseases, heart conditions, oesophageal conditions and other problems like tracheal stenosis.

Which hospitals have robotic surgery in India?

Yashoda Hospitals in hyderabad have upgraded their surgical services by incorporating cutting-edge Robot-Assisted Surgery (RAS) technologies. With this addition of robotic surgeries, we have reached our main objective to offer precision and accuracy in our surgical procedures and provide the best possible outcomes and higher success rates.

What is the cost of robotic surgery in India?

Depending on the type of procedure performed, success rate, severity of the condition, medications necessary, and many other considerations, the current robotic surgery cost varies from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 10,00,000. The average robot surgery can cost approximately Rs. 4,50,000.