General Medicine

Follow these Simple Tips to Stay Hydrated During Summer

Since our body contains more than 60% water, staying dehydrated can jeopardize our health and leads to the loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body in the form of sweat.

Summer is usually the best season for a vacation on the beach or getting indulged in outdoor activities but with the soaring temperatures, it is essential to drink enough water to stay hydrated. Since our body contains more than 60% water, staying dehydrated can jeopardize our health and leads to the loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body in the form of sweat. Staying hydrated is always crucial, especially in the hot and humid weather. 

The minerals (electrolytes) present in a body such as calcium, potassium, and sodium help in the proper functioning of the body. These minerals can be obtained by eating the right food and drinking sufficient fluids in summer. Staying hydrated is imperative during this extreme summer and it comes from drinking plenty of water. Water can also be obtained from foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which contain a high percentage of water. Sports drinks containing electrolytes may be beneficial for people engaging in high-intensity, vigorous exercise in extremely hot weather, but they are high in added sugars and calories. 

Here are some easy tips to ensure proper hydration during summer:

Drinking plenty of water

It is essential to drink water at regular intervals even if you are not thirsty. Drinking before you’re thirsty is the best way to avoid dehydration in the first place. Maintaining a mental reminder to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day will help to prevent dehydration. 

Regular consumption of water-based foods

To compensate for the loss of water during the summer, water-based fruits and vegetables like watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, peaches, and cantaloupe should be incorporated into the diet. Other good options include cucumbers and tomatoes.


Excessive use of makeup, toners, and other cosmetics items can dehydrate the skin, resulting in acne breakouts. Exfoliating the skin regularly allows it to breathe freely and absorb necessary nutrients, which keeps it hydrated.

Sipping on electrolytes

Oral rehydration salts (electrolytes) have the appropriate amount of salt, hence sipping on ORS can assist replace bodily fluids and reviving the tiredness. 

Applying sunscreen

While go outside, it is essential to use an umbrella, cap, or any head scarf to protect the skin from the sunlight.

The scorching heat of the sun cannot be used as an excuse to avoid all the outside activities. As a result, it’s advisable to be prepared with a sunscreen that is appropriate for the particular skin type. Before going out in the sun, it is essential to apply a generous amount of sunscreen which not only protects the skin from the sun but also nourishes the skin by replenishing moisture levels.

Optimal amount of sleep

Dehydration and weariness are the most typical summer concerns, as the temperature continues to rise. Getting enough restful sleep is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the summer. The key to a good night’s sleep is to avoid using electronic devices before bedtime and make sure that the bedroom is cool and comfortable. 

Eating freshly cooked meals

Dehydration is a common side effect of processed and cured foods. So it’s better to avoid meals that are high in preservatives during this time of the year and instead eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Hence, it is advisable to make a healthy choice while selecting items from the shelves, while doing grocery shopping. 

Limiting the intake of Caffeine

There’s no greater stimulant to get things moving than a hot cup of creamy coffee. However, in the summer, it’s better to limit the caffeine intake to two cups per day to avoid being dehydrated. 

This summer, stay healthy, safe, cool, and hydrated. Also, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of dehydration or a heat stroke, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About Author –

Dr. Naveen Reddy, Consultant Physician, Yashoda Hospitals - Hyderabad
MD (General Medicine)

Dr. Naveen Reddy

MD (General Medicine)
Consultant Physician
Yashoda Hospitals

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