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Neurological Treatment from the best doctors in Hyderabad

There are many different types of treatments for people suffering from neurological diseases. 

The neurology department offers comprehensive care to the patients. They work in collaboration with the departments of ENT, interventional radiology, intensive care, plastic surgery, anesthesia, and neurology to provide 360-degree care for diagnosis and treatments of all neurological conditions.

We have an integrated team of neurologists & pediatric neurologists, who work with specialists from other departments such as neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, pain management, sleep therapy, physical medicine, chiropractic, and rehabilitation to offer the best services to the patients.

Interventional Radiology: Use of medical imaging techniques to guide minimally invasive surgical procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It includes intraoperative and postoperative ultrasound, MRI scan, CT scan, X-ray fluoroscopy.

Neuro-Plastic Surgery: It is a specialty which is responsible for reconstruction or restoration of patients post-surgery, and includes wound control, infection control, complex muscle flaps, and skin closures, etc.

Neuro-Anesthesia: It is a specialty that provides anesthesia to patients undergoing neurosurgery. It includes spinal and generalized anesthesia, post-anesthesia care as well as post-surgery care.

Neuro-Intensive Care: It treats life-threatening neurological conditions as well as offer prompt neuro critical monitoring, diet control, patient care for safe and quick recovery.

Neuro-Rehabilitation: It aims to aid a patient’s neurological recovery by providing psychological, speech, cognitive, movement, and nutritional support.

ENT: It involves the head and neck surgeries and other endoscopy procedures such as skull base, microvascular, etc.

Neurological Surgeries Performed at Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad

Common surgeries performed with expertise by the department include:

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    Advanced Neurology Treatment in Hyderabad

    Neurology, Yashoda Institute of Neuroscience:

    Our wide expertise and top notch infrastructure defeats the most challenging and rarest neurological conditions and diseases. Yasohda Hospitals Neuro Institute vows to offer patients comprehensive medical care and service to patients with neurological illnesses.

    Common diagnoses and treatments by our neurologists include simple to complex neurological problems –

    • Pain – headache, migraine, upper back pain, sciatic nerve pain, cervical pain, shoulder pain, neck pain
    • Stenosis, cervical stenosis
    • Disc injuries – hernia, bulge disc, slipped disc
    • Trauma and accidents
    • Movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease
    • Stroke
    • Epilepsy- absence seizure, febrile seizure, tonic clonic seizure
    • Peripheral neuropathy
    • Alzheimer’s disease, dementia
    • Neuralgia – Posthepetic neuralgia, occipital neuralgia
    • Acoustic neuroma
    • Neuropathy – peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, alcoholic neuropathy, small fiber neuropathy, entrapment neuropathy, neuropathic pain
    • Spondylosis
    • Facial palsy, cerebral palsy
    • Radiculopathy – cervical radiculopathy, lumbar radiculopathy, thoracic radiculopathy
    • Brain AV malformation
    • Behavioral condition – depression, bipolar disease, anxiety, psychosis, schizophrenia

    Neurosurgery Treatment in Hyderabad

    Neurosurgery, Yashoda Institute of Neuroscience:

    The top surgical procedures we successfully endeavor at Division of Neurosurgery, Yashoda Hospitals:

    • Vascular Surgery
    • Stereotactic Surgery
    • Radiosurgery
    • Micro-neurosurgery
    • Epilepsy surgery
    • Trigeminal Neuralgia
    • Management of serious neuropathies
    • Spine Surgery
    • Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
    • Intensive Trauma Management
    • Deep Brain Stimulation
    • Craniofacial Resection for advanced cancer
    • Image Guided Surgery
    • Intra-arterial Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
    • Transcranial magnetic stimulation
    • Discectomy
    • Radiation therapy


    What is the best treatment for Parkinson's?
    The treatment for Parkinson’s disease involves a combination of medications such as levodopa and other dopamine agonists. The other type of treatment is deep brain stimulation.
    Which is the best hospital for paralysis treatment in Hyderabad?
    Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad is among the top hospitals for the treatment of paralysis.
    What is the best treatment for epilepsy?
    There are different anti-epileptic medications, a combination of which is prescribed depending on the type of epilepsy the patient is suffering from. Brain surgery is performed in patients whose condition does not improve by taking anti-epileptic medications, in which the affected part of the brain is removed. Other procedures that may be used depending on the patient’s condition are vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation. The patient is also recommended to make some lifestyle modifications such as following a ketogenic diet and complementary therapies.
    What is the best treatment for a brain tumor?
    There are a few treatments for patients with a brain tumor. Surgery is the common treatment where the tumor is removed from the brain partially or completely along with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In radiation therapy, a high-power beam is used to damage the tumor cells and inhibit their growth and is generally used to kill the tumor cells that remain after surgery. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, uses medications to kill the tumor cells, either alone or in combination with other medications.
    Which surgery is performed for a spinal tumor?

    The surgery performed for a spinal tumor is aimed at the partial or total removal of the tumor. Spinal fusion is one of the most common surgeries that is used to reconstruct and stabilize the spine by joining the bones together with screws or bone grafts to provide stability which then grows into one solid bone.

    Post-surgery treatment may include the use of radiation or chemotherapy in an attempt to kill any remaining tumor cells that may be present even after surgery.

    Patient Testimonials For Neuroscience


    Mrs. Stella Birungi
    Mrs. Stella Birungi
    May 22, 2024

    An Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) aneurysm is a bulge or weakening of the wall of the internal carotid artery,

    Mr. Mohamed Moriba
    Mr. Mohamed Moriba
    May 17, 2024

    PIVD, or Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc, commonly known as a slipped disc, occurs when the soft inner core of the

    Mrs. C. Balamma
    Mrs. C. Balamma
    January 19, 2024

    Lumbar canal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal in the lower back narrows, leading to pressure on the spinal

    Ms. Jyoti Dhakal
    Ms. Jyoti Dhakal
    January 19, 2024

    Laminectomy is a surgical procedure performed to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves caused by conditions like spinal stenosis,

    Mrs. Rama Devi’s baby
    Mrs. Rama Devi’s baby
    July 4, 2023

    A lipoma is one of the most common types of soft tissue tumours, which are usually slow-growing, non-cancerous masses


    Health Blogs for Neuroscience

    Unmasking the Silent Menace: Strokes in Young Adults and Adolescents
    Nov 15, 2023 10:47

    Stroke is widespread not only in the elderly but also in younger persons, accounting for 15% of ischemic stroke cases. These rising vascular risk factors lead to ischemic strokes, recurrence, post-stroke mortality,

    తలనొప్పి: రకాలు, కారణాలు, లక్షణాలు మరియు నివారణ చర్యలు
    May 12, 2023 17:39

    ప్రస్తుతం జీవనశైలిలో మార్పులు కారణంగా చాలా మంది ఎదుర్కొంటున్న సాధారణ సమస్య తలనొప్పి. జీవితంలో ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ ఏదో ఒక సమయంలో ఒత్తిడి, ఉద్రిక్తత

    నిద్రలేమి: రకాలు, లక్షణాలు, కారణాలు మరియు పరిష్కారాలు
    Apr 24, 2023 11:03

    ప్రస్తుత జీవన శైలిలో వచ్చిన మార్పుల కారణంగా చాలామంది ఎదుర్కొంటున్న ప్రధాన సమస్య నిద్రలేమి. ప్రతి మనిషికి ఆహారం, నీరు, గాలి ఎంత ముఖ్యమైనవో నిద్ర కూడా అంతే ముఖ్యం

    Dispelling Common Misconceptions about Parkinson’s Disease
    Apr 06, 2023 10:10

    Parkinson's disease is a neurological condition linked to the ageing process that impacts the brain and results in unintentional or involuntary movements.

    Does Cold Weather Increase The Risk Of Stroke?
    Jan 03, 2023 10:37

    A stroke occurs when a blood vessel carrying oxygen-rich blood to the brain is either blocked or ruptures

    10 Winter Coping Tips for People with Parkinson’s Disease
    Dec 28, 2022 12:09

    Winter has arrived! Chilled weather with a cool breeze may delight some people, but it is not likely to cheer up people suffering from Parkinson's disease.

    బ్రెయిన్ స్ట్రోక్ గుర్తింపు & నిర్వహణ ఎలా !
    Nov 09, 2022 10:02

    స్ట్రోక్ కు గురైన రోగులను సకాలంలో గురిస్తే వారిని F. A. S.T అనే చర్య ద్వారా తగు చికిత్సలు చేసి వారిని ప్రాణప్రాయం నుంచి కాపాడవచ్చు

    సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ- కారణాలు-లక్షణములు-చికిత్స విధానాలు
    Apr 14, 2022 16:46

    సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ అనేది మెదడు కణాలను కోల్పోయే పరిస్థితి. మెదడు యొక్క కొంత భాగానికి లేదా మొత్తం మెదడుకు కణాలు కోల్పోవడం జరగవచ్చు. మెదడు ద్రవ్యరాశిలో తగ్గుదల, మరియు నరాల పనితీరు కోల్పోవడం వంటివి సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీలో స్పష్టంగా కనిపిస్తుంది.

    Stroke identification and management
    Mar 24, 2022 18:14

    The identification of the stroke can help patients to act F.A.S.T in receiving the therapy/ treatment they require. The most effective stroke treatments are only accessible if the stroke is noticed and diagnosed within three hours of the onset of symptoms

    Overview – Rapidly Progressive Cognitive Impairment
    Jan 04, 2022 19:16

    Rapidly progressive cognitive impairment is a condition where a person’s cognitive skills worsen over a short duration of time (over a few weeks or months.. usually less than a year).