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Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad

The Critical Care Unit at Yashoda Hopitals is a world-class facility that aims to provide excellence in emergency critical care medicine. Dial 105910 in case of any emergency.

Emergency Hospital in Hyderabad

As an emergency hospital, our services are available 24×7 with the combined expertise of research, clinical expertise, and patient care streamlined to deliver specialized treatment for a variety of conditions. The multidisciplinary team of paramedics, nurses, emergency physicians, trauma experts, surgeons and doctors from various specialities take care of thousands of patients annually, helping them recover good health and return to normal life.

Critical Care Services in Hyderabad

Our Critical Care Unit is equipped with the latest technology and can handle all types of emergency situations with expertise and care. Our team adheres to world-class standards of treatment and care. We complement this expertise with advanced ICU beds that are specially designed to monitor physiological information of critically ill patients and ensure their safety with easy access to diagnostics and appropriate treatment.

Our round-the-clock services have successfully treated a vast range of conditions. These include post-surgical cases, diseases like malaria and dengue fever, multi-organ failure, cardiac arrests, strokes, and various other diseases.

Health Blogs for Critical Care

Measles: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & Risk Factors
Jul 20, 2021 11:21

Measles also known as rubeola, which is a viral infection that begins in the respiratory system. An effective and safe vaccine is available for prevention from this infection, but this infection is still one of the significant causes of death throughout the world.

‘బ్లాక్ ఫంగస్’ గురించి మీరు తెలుసుకోవాల్సిన 7 విషయాలను గురించి నిపుణుల అభిప్రాయం
Jul 06, 2021 14:40

దేశంలో కోవిడ్ కేసులు స్వల్పంగా తగ్గినప్పటికి,ముకోర్మైకోసిస్ అని పిలువబడే తీవ్రమైన fungal infection అనేక మందిని ప్రభావితం చేయడం ప్రారంభించింది. సాధారణంగా 'బ్లాక్ ఫంగస్' అని పిలువబడే ఈవ్యాధి తరచుగా చర్మంపై కనిపిస్తుంది.  ఊపిరితిత్తులు మరియు మెదడుపై కూడా ప్రభావం చూపుతుంది.

Expert’s take on 7 things you need to know about ‘Black fungus’
May 21, 2021 18:41

Even as Covid cases decline marginally in the country, a serious fungal infection, known as mucormycosis, has started affecting several people. Known commonly as ‘black fungus’, the disease often manifests in the skin and also affects the lungs and the brain. With rising cases of mucormycosis across States, several questions and misconceptions are floating regarding the disease.

Burn injury: When to seek emergency medical care
Aug 31, 2019 13:15

Burns can range from minor to severe injuries. If the burn is deep or larger than 3 inches in diameter, covering the face, hands, feet, groin, or major joint, it is essential to seek medical attention.

Is sepsis always life-threatening?
Feb 08, 2019 16:19

In India, 34% of people with sepsis die in the intensive care unit. Globally, sepsis is attributed to causing deaths greater than those caused by heart diseases and stroke combined. Despite these grave consequences, fewer people know about sepsis. Early detection of infection and timely treatment can save lives.


What is meant by critical care?

Critical care, or intensive care, is specialized medical care for patients with life-threatening conditions, typically provided in a hospital’s ICU. It involves round-the-clock monitoring and treatment by a team of trained healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists, using advanced machines to monitor vital signs.

What is critical care medicine?

Critical care medicine specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries.

What is the difference between ICU and critical care?

Critical care and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) both refer to medical care provided to patients with life-threatening injuries or illnesses.

What kind of specialists work in critical care units?

ICU doctors, also known as intensivists, are specialists who have undergone advanced training in intensive care medicine or related fields like anesthetics, cardiology, or emergency medicine.

What kind of patients are taken to CCU?

Patients with heart conditions are admitted to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) or Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) for round-the-clock monitoring and specialized treatment.